Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Noble Profession

"I want to be a presenter
when I get big."

Mom (completely mishearing):
"You don't want to be a prisoner."

"No. A person who wraps presents
...a presenter."

I set a goal this year of putting up at least 3 posts a month. I did really well...until this month. As a result, its New Years eve and I'm scrambling to meet my self-prescribed quota by back-dating new posts to when they should've gone live. So, if your saying to yourself, 'I don't remember any of these posts on the dates they're listed for', that's why... :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

2010 GCA Christmas Program

Aidan's Preschool Christmas Program this year was held on December 14th. This year, there was no crying... :)

As a result, his class's entire presentation is featured below. Enjoy.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Get to the Manger

On Tuesday, December 7th, Amanda took part in the RLCA Elementary Christmas Program, "Get to the Manger."

The 3rd number, No Way!, shown below, first features Amanda and some classmates doing a little silk work, followed by Amanda showing off her dancing skills (sorry she's a little hidden).

Way to go, Girl! Great work!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Sound of Music

The girls love music...if you didn't know. Aside from their foray into the world of clarinets, they both like to hammer away on an old keyboard they keep in their bedroom. And they're good at it, too. So Mom and I decided to keep an eye open for an inexpensive used piano we could tuck away in the living room.

Well, as if by Providence, friends of ours from church posted on Facebook that they were unloading their old upright and wanted to know if anyone wanted it. Mom jumped on it.

So, this past weekend, we borrowed a trailer and some muscle (thanks Poppop, Randy, and neighbor Sam) and brought home the well-loved John Wanamaker. Since then, a night hasn't passed that we haven't been serenaded by the sounds of Pachabel's Canon, Veggie Tales theme music, Mary Did You Know, or some original piece.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pedaling on Up

Just this week, while outside doing doing some chores, I noted that Aidan had really become a bit too big for his trike: He was practically kneeing himself in the face when he pedaled.

We had a 2-wheeler set aside for him but, for some reason, I was pretty sure the back tire was blown out. Guess I should've checked sooner since, when I put some air in it, it held. So on when the training wheels and away went Aidan...

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Several months ago, Mom set her eye on a goal. That goal was competing in her first 10k run. After setting the bar, Mom spent the following months progressively increasing her distance during her runs about our neighborhood.

Finally, the culmination of all her hard training came about this past Saturday. Amid a field of 228 runners, and several good friends, Mom took part in the 37th Annual Turkey Trot in Newark.

In the end, having actually ran the entire course, Mom crossed the finish line in 54:08. That time was good enough to place her 106th overall and 6th in her age group (full results here). Amazing!

Mom, with friends Tracy (left) and Ellen (middle).
Tracy placed 77th/3rd while Ellen placed 103th/2nd.
Congratulations, Ladies!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Costumed Capers

Our dinner table now lays buried beneath the plunder from the evening's trek about the neighborhood. The personas this year were Alex as a hobo (try to hide your surprise), Abigail as a chef, Amanda as Princess Leia , and Aidan as a Bumble Bee.

Blessed with a star-filled sky and a refreshingly crisp fall breeze in the air, we enjoyed the added bonus of Uncle Jason and Aunt Debbie bringing cousins Nick as Buzz Lightyear and Brianna as a princess over to accompany us. And as if that wasn't enough, Grammy, Nana, Poppop all tagged along too.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Star of the Month

Yesterday at Chapel, Amanda was presented with the Star of the Month award at RLCA. The award recognizes "Excellent academic achievement and outstanding Christian conduct."

Congratulations, Amanda. We are SO proud of you...!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Williamsburg Field Trip

As the kids are getting older, and their personalities are becoming more their own, I really want to have them post their own perspective on their own happenings more often. So, in that spirit, here is Alex recapping the 8th grade class trip to Williamsburg, VA on October 14th & 15th:

We got on the bus at 5:00 in the morning and drove to Jamestown for our first tour. (With a detour into D.C.) It was just a re-creation of the fort… the only REALLY cool thing was a guy firing a gun. Then we went to the site of the real Jamestown. It was mostly piles of bricks 2 rows high forming the outlines of where buildings were. Then we went to the hotel, got settled, and chilled for 2 hours. (coffeecoffeecoffecoffeecoffeecoffee) Then we went to Applebee’s and waited a half hour for a server, another half hour for our drinks, and then ANOTHER half hour for our food… by then we had about 10 minutes to eat before boarding the bus to go to historic Williamsburg. It was a night tour and we went through 3 or 4 shops then went back to the hotel. Then we wound down for the night… well… everybody except my room… (it was REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY disturbing…) We woke up, packed up our stuff, ate a big breakfast, (doughnuts… OMNOMNOM) and then headed out to Williamsburg. This time we could see where we had gone the previous night. We walked around with the tour going through various buildings (including a woodshop built over a creek… who DOES that??) then stopped to eat pizza and Dr. Pepper. (through a coffee cup lid…) then roamed for another half hour … and got a pound of jelly beans… OMNOMNOMNOM. Then we went on a scavenger hunt. After that mom went into some store (with me behind her) and we bought… a pencil. Then we boarded the bus then left… with a pound of jelly beans… OMNOMNOMNOM. And guess what? It rained both days!! And guess what else? OMNOMNOMNOM.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Milburn Orchards

Milburn Orchard's Fall Festival has become something a tradition for our family, having attended the last 3 years.

This year, Mom hooked up with a dear friend of ours and her 2 girls (whom we've had outings with before) and took a day trip over to the magical land of pumpkins, corn mazes, and goats.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall Sports Mayhem

Back in May, due to the volume of activities vying for our attention, I referred to the end of the school year as "the silly season" . Clearly I had forgotten what the fall season was like around here.

Aside from the GRPC non-comp soccer league which I mentioned in my last post, and all our usual busyness (school, home work, church, bible study, youth group, house church, etc, etc), we are also splitting our time between RLCA Middle School Soccer for Alex and RLCA Middle School Field Hockey for Abigail.

This is Alex's third season playing soccer for Red Lion. This year's team is quite young, comprised of a slew of 6th graders and Alex and his friend Zach (8th). As such, there's a lot of growth to be had. But the kids are having fun and improving with each outing. Alex's team's schedule and record is available here.

For Abigail, this is her debut year playing field hockey. And you wouldn't know it. She has gotten plenty of time on the field and has been caught up in the action quite a few times. Abigail's team's schedule and record is available here.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Tokarski Tank

The Fall non-comp soccer league started this past Saturday at GRPC. Participating this year is Abigail, Amanda, and, making his debut is Aidan.

Soccer for Aidan's age group typically consists of the kids chasing the ball about the field in a single writhing mass. Its commonly referred to as "The Amoeba Play".

But Aidan is rarely bogged down by such expectations. Instead, he set out early to prove his metal. And that he did, scoring early and scoring often.

The result was a new nickname coined by his teammate's parents: "The Tokarski Tank".

See him in action below...

Preschool 2010 Begins

This past Wednesday found Aidan starting his second year of Preschool at GCA. Not much to report yet, just really wanted to post this pic...look how excited the little guy is...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Final Hurrah

Over Labor Day weekend, with the 2010 Summer season winding down, Mom and I took the kids to Ocean City, MD and met up with Nana and Poppop for one last outing.

While Saturday and Sunday were mostly standard beach fare, there is one bit that deserves note: The waves. With hurricane Earl having just passed by off-shore the day before, Saturday was inundated by a ceaseless parade of the hulking beasts, curling over then crashing abusively on the sand.

Like a fearless marble statue, Alex stood his ground
as the great beast bore down on him.

On Monday, it was time for something new and exciting: A morning of go-karting at Baja Amusements. Alex, Abigail, Amanda, Nana, myself, and, yes, even Aidan, all got some time behind the wheel of these pavement blistering machines.

Thanks, Nana and Poppop. We had a great weekend.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Glasgow Fiasco

Its madness I tell you: 5 blog posts in 5 consecutive days. That's got to be a record. Speaking of records...

On Saturday, August 21st Mom took part in her third run of the season: The 2nd Annual Glasgow Fiasco 5K Run/Walk.

The all important results: Mom completed the new course in 26.14; her best time yet! She came in 53rd out of 162 participants and 4th in her division.

Congratulations, Mom!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Getting Away

Seeking a wee respite from our daily routines, Mom and I recently packed up the crew and went on holiday to the Delaware shore for a week.

Traveling down Friday morning, the boys and Sadie rode with me in the truck while Mom took the girls in the van. While en route, Mom stopped to pick up Abby's friends, Emily and Kristin, who stayed with us over the weekend. That evening, after getting settled and some take-out Grottos, we loaded the 8 of us onto public transportation to ride in to Rehoboth and wander the boardwalk.

Saturday and Sunday were both beach days at Tower's beach. Blessed with an abundance of good weather, both days yielded a wealth of holes dug, waves rode, and memories made.

But alas, not all was well: Sunday, Aidan was Thinking he was just sapped from the day prior, I had him take a nap with me under the umbrella. He ended up sleeping for over 2 hours. When he awoke, Mom commented that he seemed warm. We later confirmed he had a fever over 100°. As a result, we laid low Monday and Tuesday at the beach house, giving Aidan a chance to recoup.

Wednesday, with Aidan seeming better, we packed light and took an afternoon trip out to Tower's. What a great time. It really was one of those near perfect beach trips: Not too hot, not too cold, not too crowded, waves just big enough to ride without beating you up. Everything was so right we stuck around until close to 6 that evening.

Thursday, under threat of showers, we headed over to the Outlets for some shopping. This would have been OK if we hadn't had to deal with the millions of other people who also were not on the beach. Wow was it busy. The evening culminated with a Kid's Eat Free dinner at IHOP.

Friday, Grammy popped in. So, despite the cloudy skies, we took another afternoon trip over to Tower's. What a difference a day or 2 makes: Huge, crashing waves and a strong undertow were the order of the day. You'd have thought we had a Cat 5 hurricane off the coast. I think we saw 3 rescues by the Life Guards just in the first 45 minutes we were there.

Finally, Saturday, the sun returned. For our final hurrah, we once more headed over to Tower's beach. This time we met up with 2 separate groups of friends: Alex's friend Zach and his family as well as the family who introduced us to Tower's just last summer. We had a great time catching up and watching all the kids play together...

So despite a few hiccups here and there, all in all in was nice to get away. Thanks Grammy and Grandad for the use of the place. We always appreciate it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wild Kingdom

On Monday morning, while Sadie was out for her morning constitutional, I noted that she had taken a particular interest in the kid's play-set, sniffing intently around one outside corner. When she darted to the inside of the same corner I knew something was up. I dashed down the stairs to seperate her from her quarry and found a wrack of 4 bunnies.

Monday evening, during a pre-walk bunny sweep, we found no trace of the babes. Thinking they had moved on, we sent Sadie out in the yard on her own. This lapse in judgement resulted in soon finding Sadie with her curious nose pressed against the now wet forehead of one of the little ones who had wandered back into the yard.

Now, on Tuesday night, our 4 hares have multiplied out to 7. Yes, 7 baby bunnies are now nesting is my heavily dog-scented back yard. I know the housing situation is tough out there right now but...come on...!

Monday, August 23, 2010

3/4 of a First Day of School

Well, the 2010-11 school year has mostly kicked off. Alex, Abigail, and Amanda started back at Red Lion today. Emotions ranged from excited (note who's wearing cheery colors) to depressed (note who's wearing black).

New for this year: Uniforms. While the initial cost is a bit of an ouchy, the payoff will come with decreased disagreements over appropriate dress during the morning prep time.

While Alex plans to continue his foray into the world of soccer, Abigail is hoping to follow in Mom's footsteps by securing a place on the Field hockey team. And Amanda should be taking up an instrument in band. Maybe. I think. More on this as it develops.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Open Wide and Say 'Aaagh...'

Here's something I myself have never experienced: One of my kids at the dentist. More over, this was Aidan's first trip. He was so well behaved that they were even able to do a fluoride treatment.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tradition Building

As adults, we are able to look back and cherish traditions we had as we grew up. For example, I recall our family day trips to Ocean City, MD: Parking near the Senator Motel on 12th, changing clothes afterwards in the back of the car with towels in the windows, and dinner at Pizza Hut on 27th before heading home. Ah, good times...

I can only hope that nights like this past Thursday conjure the same feelings for my kids as they age. What happened Thursday night, you ask? Why, it was time for our annual trek out the Fairhill Fair Grounds for the Demo Derby at the Cecil County Fair, of course.

Firsts abounded this year. Our first first; after yearly invites, Aunt Debbie and Uncle Jason finally relented and joined us for the evening. As if that wasn't cool enough, Nana and Poppop tagged along as well (First we got Nana out to a baseball game back in May, and now this. What's the world coming to?) All seemed to have a genuinely swell time.

Our second first; 2 gentlemen from our church family fielded cars this year. Having someone you know to root for really adds something to the experience. And to top it off, one of them won their round. Congratulations, Tony!

We still didn't convince anyone to tackle the greased pole, but, as a tradition, there 's always next year...right?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Outdoorsy Evening

Monday, July 26th arrived with a much needed break from the >90° temps and atrocious humidity of the previous few weeks. Not wanting to squander the opportunity, not only did we eat dinner out on the deck, but we also finally whipped out the tiki torches and fire pit that I had gotten for my birthday and had some great family time out in the back yard...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ocean City Weekend

The weekend of July 23rd, Mom and I headed south with the kids in tow to spend the weekend with Nana and Poppop at their place in Ocean City, MD. In the infamous words of Buster Poindexter, the weekend was 'Hot, hot, hot.'

We spent the daylight hours of both Saturday and Sunday on the beach. This despite the heat index being over 100°. With a land breeze offering no relief, most of our time was spent in the water...which wasn't a bad thing.

The evenings were notably cooler. So Friday night we spent wandering about the boardwalk, playing skee-ball, eating ice cream, and being serenaded by the sounds of Star Wars music on bagpipes. Saturday evening, after a fantastic meal at The Embers buffet, we headed over to the Jolly Roger amusement park to put the kids on some rides.

A huge thank you goes out to Nana and Poppop. We had a great time, you guys...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Independence Day 2010

There was a time for Mom and I when the idea of going to the beach for a holiday weekend was avoided like the plague or shopping on Black Friday. This is apparently no longer the case as we once again took advantage of a long holiday weekend, Independence Day this time, and headed to the Delaware beaches.

The usual sun, sand, and surf aside, one of the highlights of the weekend was our quest to see fireworks on Sunday evening. Earlier in the day we had learned that Towers Beach would be open after sunset for viewing of the Rehoboth Beach fireworks. While we thought Rehoboth might be a bit far off of Towers to really enjoy the show, we concluded this to be a better option over trying to exit Rehoboth amid several thousand other spectators when the show ended. So as the sun began to set, we climbed in the van and headed to Towers Beach.

Once we arrived, we made our way to the water's edge then wandered northward towards Dewey, hoping to get just a bit closer to the show. And what a show we had. Not only were we able to see Rehoboth's fireworks to the north, but Bethany's (we think) to the south as well as Cape May's to the east.

On top of that, we bore witness to what we think was a private fireworks show near some of the hifalutin homes in Dewey. This wasn't some guy who picked up a few bottle rockets in VA and was shooting them off one at a time; this was a well funded show that started before and kept running clear through and past Rehoboth's show.

All in all, kicking back in the sand under a star filled sky surrounded family and fireworks was an amazing way to spend Independence Day.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Against all Odds: A Tale of Two Birdies

A few weeks ago, a mom-to-be robin made a nest in a Redbud tree only a few feet from our back deck. Watching her care for her eggs, we saw a great learning opportunity for the kids. But alas, the lessons we learn are not always pleasant.

Trouble began Thursday, June 24th, when a really bad storm blew through our area. With hurricane force winds and hail, there were reports of major damage all about the area. So, when I got home from work, after confirming our home to be OK, I looked out our back door to check on the nest. And I couldn't see it.

Once outside, my fears were confirmed: I found the nest dislodged and on the ground. But more over, I found 2 newly hatched babies along with it. On the bright side, they were both still alive and Momma Robin was still in the area. Quite upset, understandably, but still present.

Mom and I worked quickly to carefully scoop the hatchlings up and place them back in the nest. Once in the nest, I ascended a ladder and placed the nest back in the same crook of the same branch from whence it came. Momma Robin soon returned with food in beak and began the ceaseless job of feeding her rescued brood.

And all seemed right with the world. Briefly.

A week later, Abby found a lifeless robin out near the garage, the victim of a cat attack. Fearing the worst, we watched the nest hoping it wasn't Momma Robin. But as the day wore on, it became clear; she wasn't coming back.

Unsure of what to do, and having a personal investment in these 2 little birds, we called the local Bird Rescue, wondering if we should bring them in. The Rescue workers informed us that the father robin, whom we hadn't seen to this point, should take over caring for the babies. So we watched and waited. Eventually, another robin did appear in the area. He seemed protective of the nest when we approached, but wasn't going to it himself. So we waited some more.

The next morning, I spied him standing atop the nest, food in beak, feeding the little ones, just as the Bird Rescue said he would. He was no mother; he never sat on the nest to keep the babies warm at night, but he worked as hard as he could through the day, flying to and fro, bring food and cleaning the nest.

Then, just as quickly as it started, it was over. After only 2 weeks, the hatchlings became fledglings and moved on.

So, I guess Mom and I are now empty-nesters...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Philly Zoo

On June 23rd, a day which turned out to be the hottest of the year thus far with temps around 96°, Mom and the kids joined ranks with some friends and took a day trip up to the Philadelphia Zoo.

Monday, June 14, 2010

More Victory...and More Defeat...

Saturday, June 5th, Mom's morning started quite early as she dashed out the door to take part in her 2nd run of this season. This time it was the 2nd Annual Blue Hen 5k which ran through the heart of the UD campus.

This was Mom's largest event to date with 259 participants. Her results: She finished 68th overall and 6th in her division. Officially, she finished with a time of 26.17, which, while technically her best time to date, in my humble opinion, doesn't reflect her true time as she got held up in the large group off the start.

Mom, along with friend Brenda and Brenda's husband, DJ,
both of whom also competed in the run.

The reason we have only minimal pictures of this achievement was because at the same time, I loaded the kids and myself into the truck (...have I mentioned I got a truck?) and headed south to the Kirkwood Soccer Club (which is curiously close to nothing Kirkwood-related). Alex's team, the GRPC Inferno, had made it to the playoffs with an undefeated record of 6 wins and 1 tie.

The Inferno started off with a 9AM playoff game against the WYMCA Galaxy. The Galaxy was a team they had soundly defeated earlier in the season. Though the Galaxy showed significant improvement, the game still belonged to the Inferno.

The win put the Inferno in the Finals, pitted against the HSC Red Bull; a hulking team with a matching undefeated record that the Inferno had not yet faced. Our boys and girls found themselves hot, tired, and, for the first time all season, nervous about a game.

After an all too brief respite, with the sun bearing down and the heat building, play commenced. The Inferno scored first, injecting some much needed energy into the kids, but the Red Bull tied it up before half time.

The second half kicked off and the score remained tied as time ticked away. We watched these boys and girls give their all as they were roughed up by the opposition. Unfortunately, late in the game, the Red Bull scored. With mere moments left on the clock, the Inferno simply wasn't able to even it up.

At the end of the day, the Inferno took 2nd place in the league. Congratulations, Team!

What follows is a brief highlight reel I assembled as a memento for the team...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Latest Addition

Just over 13 years ago, as a young couple expecting our first child, Mom and I set out on a quest.

At that time, living in our Maryland townhouse, we had a small regular cab Toyota pickup and a Honda Prelude. Neither vehicle was well suited for our impending family. So we put word out on the street that we wanted a family car. The call was answered (on Alex's original due date, coincidentally) with our 1995 Accord.

Purchased by us in 1997, the Accord served us well for 13 years, delivering us safely to Myrtle Beach (1997), Florida (2000), Northern New Jersey and all points in between, as well as making the daily commute to work for 11'ish years. She ran like a top and only ever left me stranded 1 time among the 94k miles (out of 124k) we put on her.

But time marches on. Her age was starting show and our needs have been starting to change. Obviously the need to carry 4 children hasn't subsided, but yard work and house renovations would be made a bit easier with something a bit more...truck'ish.

So this past February, we started a new quest.

Now, after 4 months of research, test drives, selling off my hoarded collection of disjointed car parts and the über-quick sale of our trusty, rusty Accord, we present to you, the latest addition to our family...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Don't We All

Aidan just declared to me;
"I wish 'no' could be 'yes' and 'yes' could be 'no'."

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Philly Field Trip for Amanda

This really is the silly season around here. May brings with it a wealth of school programs, concerts, projects, awards ceremonies, and, of course, field trips.

Following in the wake of Abigail's trip to DC, Amanda and Mom took a wee jaunt to historic Philadelphia, PA.

Pictures follow...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ms Abigail Goes to Washington DC

On Thursday, May 6th, Abigail and Mom went to Washington DC with Abigail's 5th grade class. DC is always a great trip and this year was no exception.

Aside from the usual visits to the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, the World War II Memorial and several Smithsonian museums, Abigail and the class had a bonus: Public Service Recognition Week.

Over 100 federal, civilian, and military agencies converged on the National Mall and gave the kids a chance to climb aboard military vehicles and meet the men and women who help keep our great country safe.

GPS: God's Plan of Salvation

On Friday, May 4th, RLCA presented their Spring Program for 2010 titled, GPS: God's Plan of Salvation. Prior to the show, the After School Choir, which includes Abigail and Amanda, performed a few choice selections.

The first video is of a sing titled I Will Worship You. It features a solo by Abigail with Amanda in the choir.

I have to confess: This brought a tear to my eye. I was so proud of her. She sounded so good...

The second video is of a song titled Declare Your Name. Both Abigail and Amanda took part in the choir here.

Monday, May 10, 2010

After School Choir and the Blue Rocks

On Saturday, May 1st, the RLCA Marching Band and After School Choir, which includes Abigail and Amanda, sang the national anthem at Frawley Stadium as the opening to the evening Blue Rocks game.

This year, in inclusion to Grammy and Granddad tagging along, we were able to coax Nana to come out; baseball lover that she is.

Good thing too, as the good company made up for a very poor showing by the Blue Rocks. Facing off against the Winston-Salem Dash, the Rocks lost 5-10.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Johnny, What Can You Make Of This?

So Mom and Aidan are in the kitchen. Aidan points outside and says;
"Mom, I see a plane going down."

Frantically, Mom looks outside.

But looking around, she quickly realizes she doesn't hear anything. Then it hits her, "Are you talking about the helicopters (from the Maples) outside?"

Nonchalantly Aidan answers, "Yeah..."

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Aidan's 2nd Ever Field Trip

This past Tuesday, April 20th, Aidan, with Mom in tow, had his second school field trip of the year. The destination: The very lovely Coverdale Farm in Greenville, DE.

Coverdale Farm, part of the Delaware Nature Society, covers over 229 acres. The farm and its caretakers use pigs, chickens, sheep (Aidan's favorite), and cows to teach the kids about the cycle of life as it pertains to the farm.

According to Mom:
Aidan and his classmates learned the names of the mommy animals and their babies, got to pet some chicks, a cow, and some sheep, and even got to feed the sheep. The kids were farmers for the day and had the job of checking to make sure that all the animals had their food, water, and a place to rest. They loved washing their hands all at the same time at the long watering trough rigged with a sprinkler. It was a beautiful day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Of Victory...and Defeat

This past weekend was a busy one. Beginning Thursday night, Alex headed to Dover to take part in the last Math League competition of the season. The event was followed by an awards ceremony in which Alex's team took 2nd place for their grade level in the state.

On Saturday morning, Alex and I took Abigail over to St. Marks High School for her first stab at the Science Olympiad. Saturday was a do-over as snow had canceled the first attempt back in February. She competed in the Science Bowl, Write It/Do It, Food Science, and Chopper Challenge events. In the end, much to her disappointment, she didn't place. But on the bright side, RLCA as a whole did bring home several medals (complete results here). And there's always next year.

Alex followed this up with a morning soccer game at the Middletown Village fields. He is currently playing in a competition league for the GRPC Inferno. The week before was their first game which they won 7-3 against the MOT Dynamo. This week was a bit more of a squeaker. The competition, the MOT Wizards, was the first to score and the Inferno had to work hard to tie it up before half-time. After the break, the Inferno scored mid-way through the half and was able to hold off the opposition despite some tough shots on their goal. Congratulations team!

While the soccer game and the Science Olympiad were going on, Mom was at Wilmington Christian School taking part in the 8th annual Connie Dietrich Memorial 5k Run/Walk. Despite a fairly difficult course, Mom managed to finish the course in 26.31 minutes, coming in 1st in her age group, 3rd overall female, and 24th out of a total of 115 competitors (full results here). Awesome! Congratulations!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Nana's Birthday

On Friday the 9th, we got the drop on Nana with a surprise 60th birthday dessert party. Friends old and new converged on Peniel United Methodist in Newport armed with a plethora of sweets: Austrian Chocolate balls, 7-Up cake, home-made bon-bons, chocolate dipped marshmallows and much more.

Everyone had a grand time. Special thanks to Aunt Debbie for all her hard work on the event. And, Happy Birthday, Nana!

Due to technical problems, I lost the actual moment everyone yelled "Surprise!".
But by God's grace, I was able to salvage the rest of the video footage. Enjoy.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Alex's 13th Birthday

Well, its official: We have our first teenager. This past Thursday, Alex officially turned 13. Pray for us all... :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter 2010

We celebrated the resurrection of our Savior this past Easter Sunday. Being the creatures of habit that we are, after church, before dinner, we had our traditional egg hunt up at Grammy's house.

Actually, we had 2 egg hunts. Mommom Granny missed the first go-round, so we took all the eggs from the kids (tell me how happy you think they were), re-hid them, and did it all over again...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Take Home Teddy

One of the highlights for each of our kid's preschool years has been their chance to bring Take Home Teddy home with them. Well, that time came for Aidan last Thursday.

Among the highlights of Teddy's visit with Aidan were their lunch at McDonald's (Aidan tells us that Teddy loves french fries), their time in the back yard on the swings and slide, and, of course, time on the Wii playing Super Mario Bros Wii.

Teddy has to go back to school tomorrow to visit with another little boy or girl next weekend. But the memories we all had together will last a lifetime...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

RLCA International Fair - Spain

The big project for 5th grade is the International Fair, held this year on March 18th. The project involves putting together a lengthy report (for a 5th grader) as well as prepping a presentation that includes dress, music, food, pictures and any other trinkets you can scrounge up (money, stamps, dolls, etc)...all to be presented in the school gym to the teachers, students, and parents.

This year, Abigail chose Spain. From the traditional Flamenco dance and La Tomatina to Basque Pelota (comparable to our Jai Alai) and bullfighting, Spain, with its rich heritage and passionate people, provided a wealth of learning.

Abigail dressed for Spain's favorite sport, along
with Emily (left-Poland) and Kristin (right-Greece).

Friday, March 19, 2010

Gas Leak Part Deux

If you remember back in my February 19th post Got Snow? I mentioned that we had dealt with a gas leak in the midst of Snowpocalypse. Well, it turns out things weren't completely resolved.

We called the power company on Wednesday, March 17th because we were still smelling gas outside the house. Their assessment: We had a leak underground in the line leading up to the house. And a pretty significant one at that. Significant enough that they immediately set about getting a crew to come out and address it right then and there.

By morning everything was resolved. And as a bonus, the old tree stump in the front yard disappeared as well.

This would be our old tree stump being dug up...
at 9 o'clock at the power company.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Quilting for a Cause

Per Mom:
Each elementary class at RLCA was asked to make an art/craft project that would be auctioned off to raise money for the school. Amanda's 3rd grade class decided to make a quilt; each of the kids got to decorate a square and then I put them all together and made a quilt with them.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

February's Birthdays

Well, we somehow managed to squeeze in both Mom's and Abigail's birthdays this month. It took 4 separate events, each with their own cake, spread across 3 weeks, but we did it.

Some quick snaps are included below.

Happy Birthday you two...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Got Snow?

An untitled Haiku, by Dad:

Snow descends
Shovel's unceasing work
Spring now!

Unless you've been living under a rock or on some warm Caribbean island with no connection to the rest of the world (can I join you?), then you are aware of Delaware's recent record-breaking sucker punch to the gut of global warming. Officially, we were buried under over 41" of the white stuff from 4 storms in only 11 days. With possibly more on the way...

What does that mean for the Tokarski clan? Well, for starters, the kids were off school for a whole week. On top of school, Church was cancelled, along with Wednesday Woman-to-Woman and Man-to-Man Bible Study, Youth Group, and I had 2 days off work (note the clever use of italics).

So, with all this free time, surely we kept busy, no? We shoveled, went sledding, bowled, shoveled, cleaned off the cars, celebrated birthdays, shoveled, built snow forts, shoveled, called Delmarva Power about a gas leak... Did I mention we've shoveled...?

Thursday, February 18, 2010


So Alex has been working on a comic he calls Mib (no relation to the Men in Black) for the last 2 years. During that time, the main character, a triangular alien named Mib, has become a regular part of our household. So much so that, this week, Aidan decided he wanted to draw his own Mib comic. Due to the limitations of his preschool-level writing skills, he employed Abigail to handle most of the lettering...but the dialog is all his own...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Aidan

We celebrated Aidan's 4th birthday this year on the evening of Sunday, January 17th.

Much like last year (and Christmas, come to think of it), the event was very Cars-centric. Mom produced a fantastic Dinoco-blue Lightning McQueen cake and Aidan was showered with a wealth of Disney-licensed presents.

Unlike last year, there were no parting gifts for the attendees: No stomach bugs or colds. Everyone seems to have stayed healthy in the wake of the gathering.

Thanks, everyone, for attending. And, Happy Birthday, Aidan.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

11 Birthdays

The following is a video produced for a book report for Abigail. Enjoy...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas 2009

Our last day of school and work this year was December 19th: The day before the big snow. That diversion aside, most of our time leading up to the big day was spent just getting ready: Wrapping presents, cleaning, decorating the house...the gingerbread house.

Christmas eve and Christmas day followed their usual pattern for us: Dinner at Nana and Poppop's on Christmas Eve, stockings Christmas morning, followed by breakfast, then presents, family coming and going throughout the day, then dinner at Grammy and Granddad's.

After Christmas (and a few recovery days), Mom and I jumped headlong into this year's home remodeling project (you know us: Christmas just isn't Christmas without some form of home makeover). This year, it was Alex's bedroom. With Lego city relegated to the basement and Alex evicted to the couch in the Family room, all the molding and the entry door were quickly ushered to the curb. Mom then primed and painted the walls while I replace the door and got some practice in on the miter saw.

New Year's eve, we spent some time at a friend's house, then brought the kids home and let the big guys stay up to watch the ball drop: This being a first for them. They were very excited as the ball touched down, but then became a little freaked out by all the kissing on the TV that seemed to be welcoming in the New Year.

We wrapped up our time off by Abigail inviting a friend for a sleep over on New Year's day while Mom and I put the finishing touches on Alex's room. After much planning and practice, the girls treated us to a one of a kind concert.

And, this just in: This post is my 100th since starting the blog. Hooray.

OK. Back to work you...