Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wild Kingdom

On Monday morning, while Sadie was out for her morning constitutional, I noted that she had taken a particular interest in the kid's play-set, sniffing intently around one outside corner. When she darted to the inside of the same corner I knew something was up. I dashed down the stairs to seperate her from her quarry and found a wrack of 4 bunnies.

Monday evening, during a pre-walk bunny sweep, we found no trace of the babes. Thinking they had moved on, we sent Sadie out in the yard on her own. This lapse in judgement resulted in soon finding Sadie with her curious nose pressed against the now wet forehead of one of the little ones who had wandered back into the yard.

Now, on Tuesday night, our 4 hares have multiplied out to 7. Yes, 7 baby bunnies are now nesting is my heavily dog-scented back yard. I know the housing situation is tough out there right now but...come on...!