Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Sound of Music

The girls love music...if you didn't know. Aside from their foray into the world of clarinets, they both like to hammer away on an old keyboard they keep in their bedroom. And they're good at it, too. So Mom and I decided to keep an eye open for an inexpensive used piano we could tuck away in the living room.

Well, as if by Providence, friends of ours from church posted on Facebook that they were unloading their old upright and wanted to know if anyone wanted it. Mom jumped on it.

So, this past weekend, we borrowed a trailer and some muscle (thanks Poppop, Randy, and neighbor Sam) and brought home the well-loved John Wanamaker. Since then, a night hasn't passed that we haven't been serenaded by the sounds of Pachabel's Canon, Veggie Tales theme music, Mary Did You Know, or some original piece.