Monday, July 19, 2010

Independence Day 2010

There was a time for Mom and I when the idea of going to the beach for a holiday weekend was avoided like the plague or shopping on Black Friday. This is apparently no longer the case as we once again took advantage of a long holiday weekend, Independence Day this time, and headed to the Delaware beaches.

The usual sun, sand, and surf aside, one of the highlights of the weekend was our quest to see fireworks on Sunday evening. Earlier in the day we had learned that Towers Beach would be open after sunset for viewing of the Rehoboth Beach fireworks. While we thought Rehoboth might be a bit far off of Towers to really enjoy the show, we concluded this to be a better option over trying to exit Rehoboth amid several thousand other spectators when the show ended. So as the sun began to set, we climbed in the van and headed to Towers Beach.

Once we arrived, we made our way to the water's edge then wandered northward towards Dewey, hoping to get just a bit closer to the show. And what a show we had. Not only were we able to see Rehoboth's fireworks to the north, but Bethany's (we think) to the south as well as Cape May's to the east.

On top of that, we bore witness to what we think was a private fireworks show near some of the hifalutin homes in Dewey. This wasn't some guy who picked up a few bottle rockets in VA and was shooting them off one at a time; this was a well funded show that started before and kept running clear through and past Rehoboth's show.

All in all, kicking back in the sand under a star filled sky surrounded family and fireworks was an amazing way to spend Independence Day.