Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas 2009

Our last day of school and work this year was December 19th: The day before the big snow. That diversion aside, most of our time leading up to the big day was spent just getting ready: Wrapping presents, cleaning, decorating the house...the gingerbread house.

Christmas eve and Christmas day followed their usual pattern for us: Dinner at Nana and Poppop's on Christmas Eve, stockings Christmas morning, followed by breakfast, then presents, family coming and going throughout the day, then dinner at Grammy and Granddad's.

After Christmas (and a few recovery days), Mom and I jumped headlong into this year's home remodeling project (you know us: Christmas just isn't Christmas without some form of home makeover). This year, it was Alex's bedroom. With Lego city relegated to the basement and Alex evicted to the couch in the Family room, all the molding and the entry door were quickly ushered to the curb. Mom then primed and painted the walls while I replace the door and got some practice in on the miter saw.

New Year's eve, we spent some time at a friend's house, then brought the kids home and let the big guys stay up to watch the ball drop: This being a first for them. They were very excited as the ball touched down, but then became a little freaked out by all the kissing on the TV that seemed to be welcoming in the New Year.

We wrapped up our time off by Abigail inviting a friend for a sleep over on New Year's day while Mom and I put the finishing touches on Alex's room. After much planning and practice, the girls treated us to a one of a kind concert.

And, this just in: This post is my 100th since starting the blog. Hooray.

OK. Back to work you...