Saturday, September 29, 2007

Two Weeks with Sadie

Our first couple of nights with Sadie were...challenging. She would wake-up almost hourly crying and barking. We had kinda expected this so we weren't too surprise...which doesn't negate the fact that, by Wednesday of last week, we were looking for a way to speed up this crate training thing.

The following Thursday, Mommy had the genius notion that, 'Hey, the hamsters are nocturnal. Perhaps they're disturbing her'. So Thursday night we moved Sadie's crate into the family room, away from Yoda and Squeaky. Wow, what a difference. Since that point, she has slept (or just been quiet), consistently, through the course of the night. And this without any messes in her kennel. Good girl!

Another neat little tidbit: Sadie plays fetch already. Toss a tennis ball down the length of the kitchen and she'll run to intercept it, usually sliding half the length of the kitchen, and bring it back. We're still working on releasing it once she returns, but, hey, its a start.

The kids are loving playing with Sadie. A little Tug-O-War here, a little fetch there. Alex will take her out in the back yard and the 2 of them will just run around in circles chasing each other. And with Aidan and Sadie being home together the brunt of the day, the 2 of them are bonding. They're also partners in crime: We've found Aidan rolling Matchbox cars under the gate to her - "Hey, Aidan. Roll me the one over there. You know, Alex's favorite. So I can taste it a little..."