Sunday, September 30, 2007

Introducing Zoe...I mean Zeus...

"Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic life form?"
~ Obi-Wan Kenobi

A little bit ago, before Sadie even arrived on campus, a stray cat appeared on our doorstep. Anyone who knows either Mommy's or my family, knows we have a weakness for stray animals (i.e. Puddy, Cali, etc).

The cat was clearly a lost pet: She was very friendly and wanted inside the house in the worst way. So I walked around the block and talked to a few neighbors hoping to find her home to no avail.

At that point, our mind-set was; Just ignore her and she find her way home. Yeah, that didn't work either.

Fast forward a few days, a few bowls of food, and a new name: Zoe. We still had no intention of keeping her: We couldn't take her in due to allergies and didn't think it fair to keep her outside with the impending winter.

Then the end of last week, one of our neighbors, who we learned was also feeding Zoe, had a vet friend take a look at her with the possible intention of adopting her. That's when we learned the truth: She's a he.

So now, for as long as he's here, we'd like to introduce you to Zeus.

Photo creds to Abby...