Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Playing Catch-Up

So much has happened over the past week that I'm going to try to catch-up with a single post...

Last Monday was the kids first day of school. Yes, it's a bit early I know, but this will help them to get out for next summer a bit earlier. This marked Amanda's entrance into 1st grade and RLCA. Abby and Alex moved up to 3rd and 5th, respectively. So now the 3 school age children are in one place, saving Mommy some driving. Everyone loves their teachers and are looking forward to a great year.

This past Friday, we picked the kids up from school and immediately headed southward for one final hoorah at the shore. Saturday, with the temps being a bit cooler, we still headed over to Cape Henlopen State Park, but instead of going to the beach, we spent the afternoon having a picnic lunch (OK, it was in the van, but close enough) and exploring the park. Among the highlights of the day, we got the chance to climb up Fire Control Tower #7 (the only one open to the public) and enjoy the spectacular view. Afterwards, we wandered around Fort Miles looking at the old barracks and some of the artillery that's been restored. Finally, we headed to the north end of the park to see the light houses and the point. Lots of great history and beautiful views.

Sunday was a beach day with absolutely perfect weather. We couldn't have asked for a better day. We arrived fairly early and Alex immediately made a new friend; David from Annapolis. The 2 spent the majority of the day in the water boogie boarding and body surfing. The girls spent a lot of time digging holes in the sand before Abby got the urge to go boogie boarding herself and Amanda took a crack at body surfing which they ended up spending the balance of the day doing. And Daddy and Aidan? Yeah, we both got in a good nap. Perfect.

Sunday night, as we made our way home, we swung by Conowingo and Adonai Farms to choose a puppy from a litter of 6 wk old Golden Retrievers. Decisions, decisions. After spending close to an hour sitting in the pen, holding and cuddling with each pup, and fretting over the decision, we made a choice and our newest addition will be coming home in another 2 weeks. Now we just have to choose a name...