Saturday, October 10, 2009

Field Trips, Field Trips, Jiggity Jig

Time has suddenly gotten away from me and I've allowed 3 field trips to pass by. So lets see if we can wrap them up. Shall we?

On Tuesday, October 6th, I ditched work in favor of taking Amanda and her 3rd grade class to the Camden Adventure Aquarium. The trip involved a very pleasant hour-long bus ride to Camden, New Jersey (translation: I took a 45 minute nap on the bus ride in), some shark petting, seals, penguins, hippos(?), some stingray non-petting (translation: Amanda just couldn't bring herself to stick her hands in the tank) and a very pleasant hour-long bus ride home (translation: I took another 45 minute nap). Seriously, the aquarium is very nice, the kids were very well behaved and we had a great day.

On the heals of the aquarium, Aidan, with Mom in tow, had his first field trip this past Tuesday: To the Acme. At Fox Run. So, on that note, here' a recap of the trip. In Aidan's own words:
I was getting a pumpkin cookie. I did not touch the lobster. I just ate cheese. We put the chicken in the 2009 so that it will have a sticker on it (Editors note: Huh?). I was getting a yellow balloon. I was taking my balloon to our house.

According to Mom, Aidan's favorite part was watching the Butchers run the meat packaging machine. Apparently he wanted to try it himself. And apparently one of his little friends exclaimed to the butcher, "I wanna go to Walmart."

Finally, Alex had a field trip scheduled for Thursday to the Cherry Crest Adventure Farm, just outside of Strasburg, PA. Unfortunately, due to bad weather, the teachers decided that having the class run around in a corn maze in the mud wasn't such a great idea. So, as an alternative, the Strasburg Railroad was kind enough to accommodate not only Alex's class, but also another group of 117 students from another school in the same pinch. After a 45 minute train ride (right past the corn maze the kids were supposed to be in, BTW) they headed over to the Rail Road Museum of Pennsylvania, right across the road.

All in all, it wasn't the day they had planned, but it still was a day off of school.