Thursday, November 8, 2007

One of Those Weeks

Ever have one of those weeks? You know the ones...

Ours began last week; indirectly. Grammy informed us that Hammy, her hamster had passed away suddenly. Hammy was originally intended to be a gift for Alex. Before giving her to Alex, we discovered her to by nippy. She was replaced with Squeaky and Grammy kept Hammy for herself. She was approximately 2 years old.

On Friday, things began to hit home for us. Mommy discovered that Sadie has round worms. This discovery was quickly followed on Saturday with the discovery that she also has flees.

Saturday evening, we suffered our second loss: Annie was a cat that Mommy had given to me for our first wedding anniversary (Get it? Annie? Anniversary?). About the time we moved into our current home, Mommy's allergies worsened and we were forced to have Annie live with Grammy and Granddad. In any event, Annie had become very sick over the past couple of days. Grammy took her to the vet on Saturday evening and the determination was quickly made that there was nothing that could be done for her. The difficult decision was made to have her put to sleep.

Continuing the trend: Over the course of the last couple of weeks, Squeaky, Alex's hamster has been slowing down. Last night, we discovered that she, too, had passed.

And finally, capping things off; this evening, Julie became very dizzy and sick to her stomach.

Its gonna get better soon. Right?