Sunday, November 18, 2007

In Her Own Words

On October 24th, Abby's 3rd grade class took a field trip to the Camden Aquarium. Below is her account of the trip. Word for word.
I have a feeling that you're going to like this story. It's about our field trip to an aquarium. First I'll say that it was raining. The bus ride was very fun! (Even when it took 1 hour) Kylie and Ashley were in my group. We took pictures of each other. Next I'll tell you about the aquarium. There is a tunnel with glass all around. All I saw were sharks swimming around me. That was probably my favorite place. Next I think we went to the gift shop. I got a gorgeous bracelet. Me, Kylie, and Ashley got dressed up in pirate costumes. It was funny to see all of us like that! We went to this place with just holes with fish and other creatures. There were jelly fish and they looked like they were glowing. And I saw a tank with these weird looking things. Over there, there were even ducks. When we had only a couple of minutes left, we went to the gift shop again. I got a necklace that said my name. Abby. Oh, and I forgot to tell you about the petting tanks! I was anxious for the time to come to pet fish! One petting tank had jellyfish in it. I did not want to touch them at all. Next, here comes the lobster. First I said, "No! I am not touching this!" And then my mom said, "Its claws aren't able to nip you." So then I finally touched it. I said, "Now that I touched this, I can touch anything." The shrimp are coming right up! They would not, and I mean would not let you touch them! They would go from one place to another! It was like they were magic! There was a giant tank with sharks. They were gooey on their sides and rough on the top. Kylie, I think was so scared, that she splashed me! Now I can tell you about coming home! We found Mrs. Gorgoni on our way to the buses. So we said, "Hey, Mrs. Gorgoni, come over here. We want to get your picture with us!" We did it. So you've got to say that was fun! Hope you liked my story! The End.