Saturday, May 19, 2012

Amanda on Stage

During the month of May, Amanda has found herself performing on stage multiple times.  The first time was on May 1st, at the RLCA Elementary Spring Program entitled "Who is Like the Lord?"

The evening kicked off with Amanda performing along with the RLCA After School Choir.  The selection below is entitled "A World of Music" and features and opening solo by Amanda.

After the ASC finished their portion of the evening, the main act began.  The selection below is entitled "Every Move I Make".  Here, Amanda participated in the choreography line.

Later in the month, on May 18th, Amanda, along with the 5th grade band, participated in the RLCA 2012 Spring Band concert.  The 5th grade band, comprised primarily of clarinets, performed a piece called "A New Wrinkle on Twinkle."