Thursday, November 17, 2011

Linus He Ain't

Aidan has always kind'a marched to the beat of his own drum.  From his frequent desire to actually go to bed to his actually liking his vegetables and eating them first, he's not your average 5 year old.

So it shouldn't have come as a surprise when, last week, he announced that he thought he was getting too old to sleep with a blanky.  Slightly taken aback at this announcement, I initially just wrote it off as just a passing thought he had had, and continued to leave the blanket in bed with him.  That was, until last night.

As we were putting him down to bed last night he announced to Mom that he was done with it.  Her initial reaction was similar to mine, so rather than completely remove it from his bed, she set it off to the side, within arm's reach, turned off the light and closed the door.

A few moments later, we heard him call out from his room.  I opened the door and found him holding out the blanket.  He was done.  And that was that.  They grow up so fast.