Monday, October 31, 2011

Déjà Boo

Ha!  Do you see what I did there?  Déjà Boo?  Instead know...(sigh)  Yeah, I know, Mom didn't think it funny either.

Anyway, Halloween this year was a bit of a muted experience.  Not that we go gonzo over Halloween normally, but this year was even more sedated, what with the kid's sports schedules, homework, and other family goings ons.  But we did carve out a small window to take the kids out around the neighborhood.

The déjà boo part (I still think that's funny) is that, you may recognize some of the costumes.  Alex went as a hobo.  I know, try to hide your surprise.  Abby, having just come from practice, went as a field hockey player. Amanda, being the most original this year, borrowed an outfit from a neighbor and went as a nurse.  And Aidan went as a kangaroo. 

All that's left to do now is police the consumption of the plunder.