Monday, October 31, 2011

Déjà Boo

Ha!  Do you see what I did there?  Déjà Boo?  Instead know...(sigh)  Yeah, I know, Mom didn't think it funny either.

Anyway, Halloween this year was a bit of a muted experience.  Not that we go gonzo over Halloween normally, but this year was even more sedated, what with the kid's sports schedules, homework, and other family goings ons.  But we did carve out a small window to take the kids out around the neighborhood.

The déjà boo part (I still think that's funny) is that, you may recognize some of the costumes.  Alex went as a hobo.  I know, try to hide your surprise.  Abby, having just come from practice, went as a field hockey player. Amanda, being the most original this year, borrowed an outfit from a neighbor and went as a nurse.  And Aidan went as a kangaroo. 

All that's left to do now is police the consumption of the plunder.   

Sunday, October 30, 2011


On Saturday, October 29th, a day that brought us our first snow fall of the season, Alex headed out to his first Homecoming dance.

With one of his close friends having won a limo ride from the school, their well dressed crew converged at said friend's house down-state to make the most of the ride.

The theme for the dance was Forever Young...A Night in Neverland so the school gym was given a fairy tale make-over.  Not having been in attendance myself, and Alex being a teenage boy, details remain a bit light at this point:

Me:  How was the limo ride?
Alex:  Awesome.
Me:  How was dinner?
Alex:  Good.
Me:  Did you dance?
Alex:  Yes.

Can you spot the trend?  :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stomping Out Diabetes

On Sunday, October 23rd, our crew headed over to Rockford park to support a classmate of Alex's who has Juvenile Diabetes by walking in the annual JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes.  The event attracts several thousand participants from all over the country and plays like a carnival, replete with live music and dancing, moon bounces, stilt walkers, games, food, and more.

After the walk, with (nearly) 5k under our belts, we headed over to the host family's home for lunch and what works out to quite possibly be the highlight of the day:  A free-for-all soccer game involving all the kids.  Honestly, I think this part of the day is as much fun for the adults watching as it is for the kids playing.

In the end, the team raised over $6k and we got to spend a beautiful day with some great friends.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


This past Thursday, Abigail and the RLCA Middle-School Field Hockey team faced off at home against Ursuline.

Despite the cold and the wind, the Lady Lions took an early lead.  After only 3 minutes, Red Lion scored first putting them up 1-0.  Their next goal followed about 5 minutes later making it 2-0.  By the time the half rolled around, the score was 3-1 and Abby had chalked up an assist.

I finally arrived about 20 minutes into the second half and found Abby and the girls doing battle right at the goal.  Next thing I knew, Abby pushed it in.  The girls were now up 4-2.  Despite a strong effort from Ursuline, the Lions held that position through the end of the game for the win.

This game marks the girl's first win and Abby's second goal.  Congratulations, Ladies.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Charting His Own Course

In many ways, a child's early development mirrors their primary source of exposure:  Their parents.  For example, while Mom and I spoke with Aidan last night regarding how he was feeling (his stomach had been hurting earlier), he stood there with his hands in his pockets in a stance that mimicked the way I myself frequently stand.

But as kids age, their own personality begins to break through.  Case in point: Alex, of his own accord, and quite unlike his parents, pursued the office of Treasurer for his class government.

After the votes were tallied the first time, Alex found himself tied with his competitor.  The tie forced a re-vote which resulted in Alex coming out on top. 

Congratulations, Alex:  Class Treasurer.  Mom and I are both very proud of you.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Two Hobos Go To A Farm

This past Saturday, immediately after Amanda and Aidan's soccer games at church, our clan met with the family of one of Alex's close friends and headed out to the Cherry Crest Adventure Farm near Lancaster, PA.

Cherry Crest is a vast wonderland of farm-themed activities:  A petting zoo, pedal tractors, the 'hay chute' slide, and much, much more.  We spent several hours petting the sheep, playing volley ball with a giant inflatable corn ball, and coloring hobos with dry erase markers (?).

All of this was but a prelude to the main attraction:  The Amazing Maize Maze - a 5 acre corn maze at the center of the farm.  The maze is incredibly elaborate and original each year.  This year's theme:  "Once Upon A Time...A Corny Tale".  To try and complete the maze and finish the quests hidden within can take up to 2 hours.

When all was said and done, we had a great day with some great friends and look forward to tackling next year's maze. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

2011 Star of the Month

Amanda has again been awarded the Star of the Month award at RLCA.  The presentation took place on Friday, October 7th.

Awesome job, Amanda.  Congratulations.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


There are times, in every family I'm sure, when diet is dictated by circumstances rather than health value.   The past few days fell into this category.

Between soccer and field hockey games, sports practices, doctor's appointments, youth group and whatever else I've since forgotten, we went from Sloppy Joes and frozen pierogis on Thursday night to hot dogs and mac & cheese on Friday.

As Mom is placing the meal on the table she says, "I'm sorry dinner is so..." and she pauses, searching for the right words.

Aidan decides to interject his own opinion at this point:  "Yummy?"

Not quite the sentiment Mom was going for, Bub...