Friday, September 2, 2011


I had a song stuck in my head last night (thanks Top 40 radio) and really wanted to hear it (lemming that I am).  So I logged into Napster, found it, set it to play, and walked away from the computer.

Aidan likes to sit at the computer and try to read things.  So with Napster still on the screen:

Aidan:  "What's the 'boo' button?"
Me:     "The what?"
Aidan:  "What's the 'boo' button?  Is it for when you don't
            like a song?"

Now, his logic was perfectly sound.  And quite astute for a 5 year old.  In this age of digital social networking, a 'boo' button would logically be for when you didn't like something.  But I don't ever recall seeing a 'boo' button on Napster.

So I wander over to the screen and he the "Bio" tab. 

Good try, Mac.