Wednesday, September 28, 2011


On Tuesday, Abby and the Red Lion Middle School Field Hockey team faced off against St Anne's Episcopal School.

During the second half of the game, Abby took the corner.  She put the ball in play then rushed back onto the field behind her drive.  The receiver passed to another player who was blocked by the opposition.  Abby dove for the ball and scooped it into the goal.  Score!

Not only was this her first game-time goal ever but was also the first for the team this season.  Awesome!  Congratulations, Ab.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Glasgow Fiasco 2011

Yesterday, September 26th, Alex and Mom (and Aidan) took part in the rescheduled 3rd Annual Glasgow Fiasco 5k Run/Walk at Glasgow Park.

The event kicked off with the Kiddie K which Aidan spontaneously took part.  Little guy came home with a medal for his participation which he was very excited about.

After the Kiddie K, the main event kicked off.  Alex and Mom started off in the back of pack of 71 participants.  After running the whole thing, never breaking to walk, they completed it in 29:40 (37th overall) and 29:53 (38th overall) respectively.  Mom even brought home a plaque, coming in second in her division. 

It should be noted, this is Alex's first official run ever.  And as for Mom, this run took place only 9 days after her 2nd and last surgery.

Congratulations, all of you.  Job well done.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

5-Year-Old Humor Meets Chuck Norris Facts

Overheard at the dinner table this evening...

Alex - "Chuck Norris can blow bubbles with beef jerky."

Abby - "Ghosts sit around a camp fire and tell Chuck Norris stories."

Mom - "Chuck Norris' smile once brought a puppy back to life."

Aidan - "Chuck Norris is in the laptop."

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Into Each Life A Little Rain Must Fall

Sunshine only creates only desert.
Dr. Charles F. Betters - Senior Pastor, Glasgow Church

Things have been a bit rough in the Tokarski household as of late.

To begin with, 6 weeks ago, Mom was diagnosed with a small breast cancer.  Since the diagnosis, she has undergone 2 surgeries, the second of which was just this past Friday the 17th, and should soon be starting 6-7 weeks of radiation.  On the bright side, she caught it early and the Doctors keep echoing that she will be cured.

As if this hasn't been enough to contend with, the health issues haven't been isolated to our household.  On the date of Mom's first surgery, Grandad went into the hospital having difficulty breathing.   He was released 4 days later.  Two weeks after that, Mommom Granny was taken into the hospital, having suffered a stroke.  She has since had surgery for a blood clot and to have a pacemaker put in.

On top of all of this, last Sunday, when we got home from church, Amanda went to the basement to fetch some food from the pantry and found water all over the floor. We spent the whole day cleaning up the mess as well as trying to diagnose exactly where the water came from.

Oh, and Amanda came home from a birthday party last night...and promptly threw up in the drive way.

Thanks to everyone who has helped out, offered to help out, or been praying for us.  The calls, emails, visits, meals, etc all mean more than you know.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Tennants

If you will recall, last July we had a bit of an ordeal with a bird nest in the back yard.  Well, thanks to my work of strapping that nest down, it continues to reside in the Redbud adjacent to our deck.

Said nest was vacant until just a couple of weeks ago when an apparently expectant Mourning Dove moved in. Mama promptly remodeled the place to her liking and laid a clutch of two eggs.  Those eggs have since hatched and we now have two wee babes staring back at us every time we take Sadie out.

Friday, September 2, 2011


I had a song stuck in my head last night (thanks Top 40 radio) and really wanted to hear it (lemming that I am).  So I logged into Napster, found it, set it to play, and walked away from the computer.

Aidan likes to sit at the computer and try to read things.  So with Napster still on the screen:

Aidan:  "What's the 'boo' button?"
Me:     "The what?"
Aidan:  "What's the 'boo' button?  Is it for when you don't
            like a song?"

Now, his logic was perfectly sound.  And quite astute for a 5 year old.  In this age of digital social networking, a 'boo' button would logically be for when you didn't like something.  But I don't ever recall seeing a 'boo' button on Napster.

So I wander over to the screen and he the "Bio" tab. 

Good try, Mac.