Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy 12th Birthday Alex

Birthdays are quite often a progressive event in our household. They frequently span across multiple days, depending on when we are able to get together with different groups of family and/or friends. Such is the case with Alex's 12th, which we celebrated (repeatedly) this past week.

On Wednesday the 8th, Alex's actual birthday, we celebrated with just our immediate family. Mmmm...Chocolate Chip Cheesecake.

On Thursday we had Alex's friends Jack and Zack over immediately after school. Festivities included lunch, bowling at Blue Hen Lanes in Newark, cake, presents, and lots of running around and yelling outside in the backyard.

Finally on Saturday night we had the extended family over; Nana & Poppop, Grammy & Granddad, Mommom Grammy, Uncle Jeff & Aunt Jenn, and cousins Allie & Joey. Activities included more food, more cake, more presents, more yelling and running around, and, just for good measure, we tossed in liberal amounts of quoting Airplane ("Surely you can't be serious." "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.") and Monty Python ("What do you mean? An African or European swallow?").

Happy Birthday, Alex!