Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Back before Thanksgiving, Mommy and I decided that we were going to use Christmas break as a chance to redo our aging master bathroom. In the spirit of our kitchen, this would be a complete renovation: Taking it down to the studs. The advantage of doing the work over the break would be that the kids would be off school and I off work.

The plan was to plan and purchase during the beginning of December then lay into the project on Dec 20th and go non-stop over the next 2 weeks to finish it. Yes, we wanted to finish it during those 2 weeks. I kind'a looked at it this way: Those folks on TV can rebuild a whole house in a week. Surely I can redo a measly bathroom in 2 (ha ha).

So the 20th arrived, Poppop came over, the hammers came out, and the drywall came down. Demo took nearly 2 full days; longer than I had hoped, but we could make it up.

We had decided on an tub and toilet early on, but hadn't had a chance to pick any of it up. So Saturday morning we headed over to Lowes to do some buying. Once in the store, we met a very nice vendor who pointed out to us that the tub we wanted wasn't really white; it was more of a bone color. Thats a problem. As an alternative he pointed out to us that Lowes had on clearance they're remaining steel tubs...for $20. Mommy was sold instantly. The only trick; we had to drive to the New Castle Lowes to get one. By the time we got home and unloaded, Poppop had to leave for church. No biggie; we can make it up.

Christmas came and went (Merry Christmas, by the way), as did New Years (and Happy New Year, too), and we never made it up. By the time I went back to work on Jan 2nd, the electric and plumbing had been buttoned up, the tub had been set, the drywall hung and the tile mounted. But we still had spackling, painting, grouting, flooring, etc. etc. to do.

Aidan's 2nd birthday came on Jan 19th (by the way, Happy Birthday, Aidan). By this point, 30 days in, I was determined to have the space buttoned up and usable to show off to the family. I thrashed on it Friday night into Saturday. This is the point at which I discovered that my much desired toilet, after assembly and mounting, was just too darned big; it sat too far from the wall (?) and blocked the tub. So, in all the chaos of preparing a birthday party, Mommy ran out and bought another toilet. God bless her.

At this point, 41 days and counting, we're not 100% finished: Among the finishing details, we need to put quarter-round molding around the floor, I need to cut down one of the doors a bit more, and we need to paint the cabinet door I custom made. But everything is working and the space exceeded our expectations.

Domo arigato to Grammy for taking Aidan to her house for so many naps and to Poppop for all his hard work. Without you both we'd still be showering at our neighbor's.