Thursday, August 27, 2009

All Good Things...

Like a favorite song or an afternoon nap, so too summer vacation must come to an end. And as such, this past Monday saw the 3 older kids return to Red Lion Christian Academy for the 2009-10 school year.

Alex is now in 7th grade. Academically, he is 2 years ahead in math, taking Honors Algebra 1. He will also continue his efforts in band, but has also expanded his extra-curricular efforts into the middle school newspaper and is trying out for soccer as well.

Abigail has graduated up to 5th grade. Aside from her academics, she will continue playing the clarinet for band and is also seeking a larger role in a dramatic production.

Amanda has stepped up to 3rd grade. Academically, she's doing something none of the other kids (nor her father) have done and is being introduced to Spanish. In fact, I came home from work this evening and she very pointedly greeted me by saying, "Hola!"

As always, I present for your viewing pleasure our traditional pic of the kids leaving for their first day.