Friday, August 31, 2012

A Really New School Year Begins

With last year's school-based drama now only a fading memory, the kids began the school year at the New Red Lion Christian Academy this week:  Aidan (1st), Amanda (6th), and Abby (8th) started on Thursday and Alex (10th) started today.

Greeting the kids was new leadership, some new teachers (and some familiar faces), new text books, new uniforms, new logos, and some refreshed facilities

Here's to a great year...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Sea Was Angry That Day My Friends an old man trying to return
soup at a deli
.                       George Costanza

Last Saturday we friend-napped Alex's bud Zack and headed to Tower's just for the day.  This despite the less than promising weather forecast.  As it was likely our last trip down before school started, we were determined to make the most of it, rain or shine.

Fortunately, the rain held off until about 3:30 (then hit with a vengeance).  But it never let us forget that it was coming:  Heavy cloud cover abounded, completely obscuring the sun the entire day, and monstrous waves pounded the shore like I've not seen in some time.

Alex and Zack were the only ones who really braved the raging waters; rushing in where angels fear to tread.  But that doesn't mean they were the only ones to get wet.  If one got anywhere close to the cliff that had been cut in the sand, they were thusly doused in foamy, sandy water.

Despite the less then ideal conditions, it really was a great day.  The waves were really something to behold. And no one got hurt...  :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Amanda