Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Tokarski Tank

The Fall non-comp soccer league started this past Saturday at GRPC. Participating this year is Abigail, Amanda, and, making his debut is Aidan.

Soccer for Aidan's age group typically consists of the kids chasing the ball about the field in a single writhing mass. Its commonly referred to as "The Amoeba Play".

But Aidan is rarely bogged down by such expectations. Instead, he set out early to prove his metal. And that he did, scoring early and scoring often.

The result was a new nickname coined by his teammate's parents: "The Tokarski Tank".

See him in action below...

Preschool 2010 Begins

This past Wednesday found Aidan starting his second year of Preschool at GCA. Not much to report yet, just really wanted to post this pic...look how excited the little guy is...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Final Hurrah

Over Labor Day weekend, with the 2010 Summer season winding down, Mom and I took the kids to Ocean City, MD and met up with Nana and Poppop for one last outing.

While Saturday and Sunday were mostly standard beach fare, there is one bit that deserves note: The waves. With hurricane Earl having just passed by off-shore the day before, Saturday was inundated by a ceaseless parade of the hulking beasts, curling over then crashing abusively on the sand.

Like a fearless marble statue, Alex stood his ground
as the great beast bore down on him.

On Monday, it was time for something new and exciting: A morning of go-karting at Baja Amusements. Alex, Abigail, Amanda, Nana, myself, and, yes, even Aidan, all got some time behind the wheel of these pavement blistering machines.

Thanks, Nana and Poppop. We had a great weekend.