Saturday, April 24, 2010

Aidan's 2nd Ever Field Trip

This past Tuesday, April 20th, Aidan, with Mom in tow, had his second school field trip of the year. The destination: The very lovely Coverdale Farm in Greenville, DE.

Coverdale Farm, part of the Delaware Nature Society, covers over 229 acres. The farm and its caretakers use pigs, chickens, sheep (Aidan's favorite), and cows to teach the kids about the cycle of life as it pertains to the farm.

According to Mom:
Aidan and his classmates learned the names of the mommy animals and their babies, got to pet some chicks, a cow, and some sheep, and even got to feed the sheep. The kids were farmers for the day and had the job of checking to make sure that all the animals had their food, water, and a place to rest. They loved washing their hands all at the same time at the long watering trough rigged with a sprinkler. It was a beautiful day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Of Victory...and Defeat

This past weekend was a busy one. Beginning Thursday night, Alex headed to Dover to take part in the last Math League competition of the season. The event was followed by an awards ceremony in which Alex's team took 2nd place for their grade level in the state.

On Saturday morning, Alex and I took Abigail over to St. Marks High School for her first stab at the Science Olympiad. Saturday was a do-over as snow had canceled the first attempt back in February. She competed in the Science Bowl, Write It/Do It, Food Science, and Chopper Challenge events. In the end, much to her disappointment, she didn't place. But on the bright side, RLCA as a whole did bring home several medals (complete results here). And there's always next year.

Alex followed this up with a morning soccer game at the Middletown Village fields. He is currently playing in a competition league for the GRPC Inferno. The week before was their first game which they won 7-3 against the MOT Dynamo. This week was a bit more of a squeaker. The competition, the MOT Wizards, was the first to score and the Inferno had to work hard to tie it up before half-time. After the break, the Inferno scored mid-way through the half and was able to hold off the opposition despite some tough shots on their goal. Congratulations team!

While the soccer game and the Science Olympiad were going on, Mom was at Wilmington Christian School taking part in the 8th annual Connie Dietrich Memorial 5k Run/Walk. Despite a fairly difficult course, Mom managed to finish the course in 26.31 minutes, coming in 1st in her age group, 3rd overall female, and 24th out of a total of 115 competitors (full results here). Awesome! Congratulations!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Nana's Birthday

On Friday the 9th, we got the drop on Nana with a surprise 60th birthday dessert party. Friends old and new converged on Peniel United Methodist in Newport armed with a plethora of sweets: Austrian Chocolate balls, 7-Up cake, home-made bon-bons, chocolate dipped marshmallows and much more.

Everyone had a grand time. Special thanks to Aunt Debbie for all her hard work on the event. And, Happy Birthday, Nana!

Due to technical problems, I lost the actual moment everyone yelled "Surprise!".
But by God's grace, I was able to salvage the rest of the video footage. Enjoy.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Alex's 13th Birthday

Well, its official: We have our first teenager. This past Thursday, Alex officially turned 13. Pray for us all... :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter 2010

We celebrated the resurrection of our Savior this past Easter Sunday. Being the creatures of habit that we are, after church, before dinner, we had our traditional egg hunt up at Grammy's house.

Actually, we had 2 egg hunts. Mommom Granny missed the first go-round, so we took all the eggs from the kids (tell me how happy you think they were), re-hid them, and did it all over again...