Monday, March 29, 2010

Take Home Teddy

One of the highlights for each of our kid's preschool years has been their chance to bring Take Home Teddy home with them. Well, that time came for Aidan last Thursday.

Among the highlights of Teddy's visit with Aidan were their lunch at McDonald's (Aidan tells us that Teddy loves french fries), their time in the back yard on the swings and slide, and, of course, time on the Wii playing Super Mario Bros Wii.

Teddy has to go back to school tomorrow to visit with another little boy or girl next weekend. But the memories we all had together will last a lifetime...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

RLCA International Fair - Spain

The big project for 5th grade is the International Fair, held this year on March 18th. The project involves putting together a lengthy report (for a 5th grader) as well as prepping a presentation that includes dress, music, food, pictures and any other trinkets you can scrounge up (money, stamps, dolls, etc)...all to be presented in the school gym to the teachers, students, and parents.

This year, Abigail chose Spain. From the traditional Flamenco dance and La Tomatina to Basque Pelota (comparable to our Jai Alai) and bullfighting, Spain, with its rich heritage and passionate people, provided a wealth of learning.

Abigail dressed for Spain's favorite sport, along
with Emily (left-Poland) and Kristin (right-Greece).

Friday, March 19, 2010

Gas Leak Part Deux

If you remember back in my February 19th post Got Snow? I mentioned that we had dealt with a gas leak in the midst of Snowpocalypse. Well, it turns out things weren't completely resolved.

We called the power company on Wednesday, March 17th because we were still smelling gas outside the house. Their assessment: We had a leak underground in the line leading up to the house. And a pretty significant one at that. Significant enough that they immediately set about getting a crew to come out and address it right then and there.

By morning everything was resolved. And as a bonus, the old tree stump in the front yard disappeared as well.

This would be our old tree stump being dug up...
at 9 o'clock at the power company.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Quilting for a Cause

Per Mom:
Each elementary class at RLCA was asked to make an art/craft project that would be auctioned off to raise money for the school. Amanda's 3rd grade class decided to make a quilt; each of the kids got to decorate a square and then I put them all together and made a quilt with them.