Sunday, February 28, 2010

February's Birthdays

Well, we somehow managed to squeeze in both Mom's and Abigail's birthdays this month. It took 4 separate events, each with their own cake, spread across 3 weeks, but we did it.

Some quick snaps are included below.

Happy Birthday you two...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Got Snow?

An untitled Haiku, by Dad:

Snow descends
Shovel's unceasing work
Spring now!

Unless you've been living under a rock or on some warm Caribbean island with no connection to the rest of the world (can I join you?), then you are aware of Delaware's recent record-breaking sucker punch to the gut of global warming. Officially, we were buried under over 41" of the white stuff from 4 storms in only 11 days. With possibly more on the way...

What does that mean for the Tokarski clan? Well, for starters, the kids were off school for a whole week. On top of school, Church was cancelled, along with Wednesday Woman-to-Woman and Man-to-Man Bible Study, Youth Group, and I had 2 days off work (note the clever use of italics).

So, with all this free time, surely we kept busy, no? We shoveled, went sledding, bowled, shoveled, cleaned off the cars, celebrated birthdays, shoveled, built snow forts, shoveled, called Delmarva Power about a gas leak... Did I mention we've shoveled...?

Thursday, February 18, 2010


So Alex has been working on a comic he calls Mib (no relation to the Men in Black) for the last 2 years. During that time, the main character, a triangular alien named Mib, has become a regular part of our household. So much so that, this week, Aidan decided he wanted to draw his own Mib comic. Due to the limitations of his preschool-level writing skills, he employed Abigail to handle most of the lettering...but the dialog is all his own...