Thursday, July 30, 2009

Concert Going

On Wednesday night, Mommy and I left the boys in Grammy's care, tossed the girls in the car and headed to Harrington to the Delaware State Fair. Our primary destination? The girl's first concert experience: Demi Lovato, of Disney fame.

Now, I've been to my fair share of concerts: Tim McGraw, Keith Urban, Michael W Smith, Def Leppard, Paul McCartney, etc. Nothing, nothing I tell you, can prepare you for the sound of several hundred screaming pre-teen girls.

How did our girls like it, you ask? Amanda showed signs of getting into it; clapping her hands, dancing in her seat, etc. Abigail enjoyed it immensely but is far more reserved, watching the show like a show on TV.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Summer Vacation 2009

Just this past week, Mommy and I loaded up the van and took the entire family, Sadie included, south to the Delaware beaches for a little R&R.

After taking Saturday as a down day (Translation: I fell asleep in a chair at the house and stayed that way for some time), we spent Sunday and Monday at Cape Henlopen. A few small issues aside, like Alex and Mommy being stung by jellyfish, overall it was a pretty standard beach fare. One highlight includes Aidan’s new trick, where he sits on the boogie board and I whip him around in circles on the water’s edge, skimboard-style. Yes, this does occasionally go awry and Aidan ends up off the board in the water, but he gets right back up, sputters a few times, and is ready to do it again.

Tuesday, despite the threat of showers, we met some friends at Towers Beach, just south of Dewey. This was our first time as a family at this particular destination and we really enjoyed it; the beach was wide and flat and the sand smooth. All of the kids became quite involved in digging down by the water. After each working on their own hole in the ground for a bit, they realized that they could connect them into one mammoth pool (with a well decorated island in the center), which is just what they did. Of course, these things cannot last and what took the kids an hour plus to dig was washed away by the incoming tide in mere moments.

Due to weather concerns (and the need for Aidan to take a real nap), Wednesday and Thursday both ended up down days with the only notable happening being an evening trip into Rehoboth for a walk, skeeball, and some caramel popcorn.

Friday, we had planned on leaving early, but after losing beach time on Thursday, decided to head back to Towers for the morning before heading back to the house early to pack up.

Altogether, we had a great time. Thanks Grammy and Granddad for the use of the place…

Monday, July 6, 2009

Independence Day 2009

July endowed to our tribe our first opportunity to stay over-night at Nana and Poppop's new beach place in Ocean City, MD. Wow, what a beautiful weekend we were blessed with!

Friday and Saturday we had 2 perfect days on the beach. Plenty of sand. Plenty of sun. Not too hot. Not too cold. And crazy huge waves. Not surprisingly, Alex spent most of his time in the water and the girls are progressively working their way out a little further each time we head to the shore.

Saturday night, being July 4th, after blowing bubbles off the deck for a while and cooking hamburgers on an electric grill (which also involved blowing a circuit breaker and leaving certain family members in the dark in a bathroom), we had quite the surprise: We were able to see a multitude of fireworks displays right from the deck of Nana and Poppop's condo. Some where set off by OC, some by specific hotels, and one by a night club, with the later being the closest and most enjoyable.

Thanks, Nana and Poppop for the great weekend! And Happy Independence Day. God Bless America!