Sunday, November 23, 2008

His Mysterious Ways...

This past weekend, Mommy and I packed our bags, tossed the house keys to Nana and Poppop, bid the children au revoir, and headed north to take part in the wedding celebration of a dear friend of ours (congratulations again, Gina and Trevor).

We left the house with the intention of checking in at our hotel, dressing for the wedding, perhaps relaxing for a few, then heading to the church and still having time to spare. But things began to go awry as soon as we left the highway to look for the hotel: It wasn't there. Not where our map said it was at least. We pressed on further down the road, through traffic, time slipping away.

We eventually found the hotel but only after finally stopping to check with a postman (thank you Mr. Postman), then calling the hotel itself. But now, time was not on our side. We checked in, dashed into our room, dressed hastily, and ran right back out the door...only to get lost again on our way to the church.

After the ceremony, the silver lining in all this began to present itself. In getting to the church, we had traveled in exactly the opposite direction we should. But as it turns out, it was the correct way to get to the reception: A fantastic venue call The Brickhouse. This provided some much needed relief.

Several hours later, after enjoying an unbelievable amount of excellent food (honestly, I wasn't hungry at all Sunday), and enjoying the company of some great people, it was time to head back to the hotel. Well, it turns out that our first turn at getting lost put us close to the reception facilities. This prepared us for the return trek: We got back to the hotel in a much easier and faster fashion than Google had planned for us.

All in all, we could see God's hand in the ordeals and had a great time catching up with an old friend.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Monday, November 10, 2008

October Update

Poor blogger that I am, it has once again been nearly a month since my last (major) post. Sorry.

Soccer season has come and gone. As in previous years, Alex, Abigail and Amanda all participated in the GRPC Fall Soccer League. Both Abigail and Amanda have really come of their own this year, showing significant growth.

Alex added something new to the mix this year by joining his first competitive school sport: The RLCA Middle School Soccer team. The season had already commenced by the time he made his decision but he did get to play in a few games before the season wrapped. And the coach has asked him to return next year.

Besides soccer, Halloween has also come and gone. With the exception of Aidan, who donned a lion costume, sports were the over-arching theme this year. Alex dressed as a rabid UD fan, Abigail sported Mommy's old field hockey jersey and stick, and Amanda looked suspiciously like a GRPC soccer player. We had incredibly nice weather this year for walking around and Grammy took the opportunity to heap loads of abuse on her knees just prior to having them both replaced. Eek...

One final item: Amanda had a field trip to the Delaware History Museum. However, neither Mommy nor myself went so there are no pictures and we don't know much about what she saw. Sorry.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

How To Know Its Time To Clean Your TV

Your youngest begins drawing happy faces in the dust.

Update soon. I promise...