Sunday, April 27, 2008

Field Trip Frenzy

With the school year winding down (seriously, where does the time go?), the last 2 weeks have seen the final 3 (off-campus) field trips for the big kids this year.

First, on Wednesday, April 16th, Amanda and her 1st grade class, along with Mommy, spent the day at the Delaware Museum of Natural History.

The DMNH is always an exciting time for the kids, offering them a glimpse at a wide range of living and long-dead critters. The girls especially love this... :)

Next, on Wednesday, April 23rd, Abigail and her 3rd grade class, again with Mommy in tow, took a bus trip to historic Philadelphia, PA.

Some missed opportunities aside, such as touring Independence Hall, the class got to spend some quality time with the Liberty Bell, Congress Hall, the Franklin Court Underground Museum, the Betsy Ross House, and even Starbucks(?).

The third and final trip took place the very next day when Alex and his 5th grade class, along with Mommy and Daddy this time, headed to the Sight & Sound Millennium Theater in Strasburg, PA (awesome aerial shot here) to see the play Daniel and the Lion's Den.

If you've never been to Sight & Sound, honestly, you've got to see it to believe it. Their productions are awesome. The stage is 300 feet in length and wraps half-way around the audience, the sets can reach over 40 feet tall, and they make regular use of live animals; horses, camels, dogs, etc. Add to this the fact the shows are very God-honoring.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Absorbent and Yellow and Porous is He!

To Aidan's credit, he's learning and using new words daily; elbow, wheel, and eye are just a few recent examples that come to mind.

One of his troubled areas, are fruits. All fruits, with the exception of bananas, are "apple". This is less of a problem with pineapple, which in Aidan's limited world is yellow and comes from a can.

So Mommy took Aidan grocery shopping this morning. In the fresh fruit aisle, Aidan spotted the spiky object pictured to the left.

How to know your 2 year old is watching too much TV that's age inappropriate thanks to his older brother: He points to the fruit and excitedly blurts out, "Bob Bob!" (Aidanese translation - 'Sponge Bob')