Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October Update

I know, I know; Its been a long time since I posted. Well, in my defense, for a bit there, we had just fallen into our routine of school, work, soccer, weddings, etc. Then...

A week ago Sunday, our clan hooked up with Nana and Poppop and Uncle Jason, Aunt Debbie, and cousin Nick to introduce Sadie to the rest of the extended family and go out for dinner. The intro went as was expected: Sadie practically leaps out of her skin when there's new people about. Dinner on the other hand, didn't go as expected: We waited close to an hour and a half for our food, with no explanation or apology from our waitress. Kind'a gives a new meaning to the term 'wait staff'.

Aidan is picking up some new words. Yay! His vocabulary formerly consisted of 'cracker', 'wow', and 'uh oh'. We've recently added 'mama', 'good girl', and 'yes'. He's also learned to ID most of his body; head, hair, mouth, eyes, ears, nose, shoulders, hands, tummy, etc.

While we're on the subject of body parts, it seems all of our youngsters are dealing with teeth issues. Alex is losing molars, Abigail is losing her K9's, Amanda is losing her front teeth, and Aidan is getting molars. All at the same time. The tooth fairy's been busy.

Speaking of Aidan, it seems the little tike is practicing sharing...with Sadie. He loves to share things with her when she's in her kennel: Magnets from the fridge, matchbox cars, his bib...and his cookies; which he'll then proceed to take a bite out of, only after she's licked them. We might need to keep a closer eye on these two...

In other pet news, Zeus is gone. When he had first shown up on our door step, Mommy had spoken to the son of one of our neighbors. He works for Concord Pet who, in turn, is partnered with a local no-kill shelter. He commented that he was going to catch Zeus one day and take him to the shelter. Well, so much time had passed that we figured this wasn't going to happen. But it did. And we didn't even have a chance to say 'goodbye'...

One final note; the soccer season ended this past Saturday. As always, being a non-competition league, all of the kids came away with trophies. On the horizon is a 3-on-3 soccer tournament that a team specifically requested Alex join. The tournament takes place on Saturday, November 10th.