Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fall Soccer 2007

This past Saturday, the GRPC Recreational Soccer League kicked off its Fall season. This year marks our 5th year of involvement with the league. As with past years, Alex, Abby, and Amanda are all participating.

We're seeing lots of development in the kids. Alex loves playing goalie and is getting really good at it. He's not afraid to pounce on the ball despite a rampaging mob of kids chasing it. Abby is starting to really pay attention when she's assigned a position; she really works to stick to it. And Amanda is coming out of her shell and is really starting to get into the mix.

This past Saturday was probably the hottest game day we've ever had with temps reaching into the mid-90's before the last game finished up. The funny part is that the Fall season goes from one extreme to the other; so we're expecting heavy snow before the season wraps.

All games take place at the church (click for map). They begin at 8:30 AM on Saturdays and the season runs through October 20th (no games September 3rd) . Come on out and cheer the kids on.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Busy Days

This past Saturday was crazy busy. I know, you're saying to yourself, 'Hows that different than any other Saturday?'

We started our morning off with a bowling birthday party at the Blue Hen Lanes in Newark in celebration of Amanda's 6th birthday. We also used the opportunity to have a belated friend-party for Alex's 10th.

We were the only birthday party there that morning and were allowed to spread out a bit more than usual. Plus, the staff was able to focus more attention on our party. In the end, everyone had a great time and Amanda was able to avoid doing the Chicken Dance...which she was very nervous about...for some reason.

An album of all the pictures can be viewed by clicking here.

From there I was off to cut the back yard...which hadn't been cut in 4 weeks. Yes, 4 weeks. Hey, I had a bunch of Cicada Killer wasps back there: They're scary.

After that, it was time for a little bit of Mommy and Daddy time as we made our way to Philly for the Keith Urban concert. Aside from getting some beer spilled on me from the crazed woman behind me, it was a perfect night with us getting a great parking spot, having good seats, seeing The Wreckers open, and Keith putting on a great show. He played for nearly 2 1/2 hours and is a great entertainer. One of the biggest surprises of the night was when the UD Marching Band Drumline appeared on stage to assist with I Told You So.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Trickle Down Tricks

Oh, the things your older siblings teach you...

Post edited on 5/9/2011 due to shutdown of GoogleVideo.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Happy 6th Birthday

This past weekend, Amanda celebrated her 6th birthday (Wow! Where does the time go?). Celebrations included mini-golf and pizza at Grammy's beach place and a 2nd celebration later at home.

Rumor has it a bowling party is forth coming. More on that later...